
Friday, October 14, 2011

Season of Owls

It has been awhile since I have posted anything. Let me explain myself. Addyson's birthday is in 1 week. So the past month I have been a little obsessed with trying to plan/create her 1st birthday party. Themes have gone back and forth and of course I wanted to make all the decorations myself. The search was on to find great tutorials in hopes to find unique DIY projects. In all the searching I forgot to share all my finds :).But I have a list and will post them soon after the party.

I wanted to find something different for her birthday and think of something new, but  I have fallen in love with these normally creepy creatures.I am sure you have seen them around every corner you turn. Brings me to what this post is all about. Not parties, not even DIY decorations. It is about the Owls. :).
Are you needing an Owl fix today! Well I got it for you. Here are a few of my favorite finds. If you have a spot that you have seen some great things that have to do with anything owl please share!

Click on the pictures to go to the source. anthroplogie owl  il_fullxfull_276412735
For my own collection.
owl pillow       wings6
For the Kids.
                   owl hanger
For the season.

Last but not least, Go check out My Owl Barn. Incredible blog solely dedicated to these feathery obsessions.
Have a Happy Friday and come back and visit me this next week.

Michel~ (Addys Mom)


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